Vladimir Putin's dream of creating a Russian-led Eurasian Union is slowly but surely becoming a reality. The smoke in Kiev will eventually clear and Ukraine will set course with big brother. Soon thereafter, it will be Georgia's turn. With the following I would like to take a brief look at what has been happening in the Ukraine during the month of December and in doing so also address some other topics that I believe are related.
People don't normally wake up one day and simply decide to take to the streets en masse just because their government has made a decision they don't like. For a mass political protest to take place, in a hotly contested nation nonetheless, you need three essential ingredients: A motivation, a well organized network of activists and of course high level individuals capable of pulling financial and/or political strings.
The motivation in Kiev is clearly there, I will briefly describe the deep rooted anti-Russian sentiments of many Ukrainian nationalists and liberals later in this commentary. The organizers in Kiev are there, a not so little army of Western funded and led NGOs, independent journalists, rights advocates, political activists, clergymen and government officials. And we also know that there are high level policymakers in various power centers around the world that would love to drive a permanent wedge between Ukraine and Russia purely for geostrategic reasons.
These are the three basic factors that are taking the sheeple to the streets in Kiev. These are the factors that can start a civil war or attempt a violent coup d'état if the movement's organizers, masterminds and financiers conclude that the reaction from Moscow will be weak or something that they can afford to risk. To put it in other words, if the ringleaders of these protests are made to fear a serious Russian reprisal, they may not be foolish enough incite large scale violence or seek a forceful overthrow of the government in Kiev.
Therefore, much is riding on how Moscow handles this situation.
Kiev and Moscow need to be very careful with the way they are dealing with these protests. The best course for Ukrainian and Russian officials to take would be to do what they are doing now: Take a step back, resort to soft power and allow these protests to run their natural course, all the while keeping a tight control over the situation by closely monitoring the activities of the country's Western funded NGOs, political activists and journalists of news organizations.
Under no circumstances should there be a disproportionate use of violence against protesters. A violent overreaction by the authorities is what Western powers are actually hoping for.
However, in addition to a well calculated and soft approach vis-à-vis Kiev, Russian officials need to begin posturing aggressively against Western interests elsewhere to divert attention.
Ultimately, the battle for Ukraine is a battle the West will lose. For the West, severing Ukraine from Russia is purely a geostrategic measure (a method of weakening Russian power inside Europe) that if push comes to shove, it can live without accomplishing it. For Moscow, keeping the Ukraine within its political and economic orbit is almost a matter of life and death for the Russian state. In other words, Moscow will resort to all measures to ensure Kiev remains within its orbit. Therefore, Ukraine's fate as part of a Russian-led political and economic pact has been predetermined. Everything else at this point is simply a matter of how to get there.
Ever since the Varangian Grand Prince Vladimir the Great of Kievan Rus was baptized into the Christian Orthodox faith upon his marriage to Byzantine Princess Anna Porphyrogenita (the sister of Basil II, the world famous Byzantine-Armenian Emperor also known as the "Bulgar-slayer") sometime around the year 988 AD, the territories of Kievan Rus (roughly the regions of modern day Ukraine, Belarus and European Russia) have been the cradle of Russian civilization.
For the past one thousand years, Russia has been Ukraine, Ukraine has been Russia. So, how is it that there has been so much anti-Russian sentiments in Ukraine as of late?
Let's stop blaming Russians for Bolshevism
At various times throughout its history western parts of the Ukraine have been occupied by Vatican-led European powers: Poland in particular. Because of its history situated on a border between western Europe and the Russian heartland, Ukraine has evolved into a deeply divided state with two relatively distinct nations living within one political body. Consequently, modern Ukraine is a nation that is roughly half west-leaning, comprised primarily of Ukrainian Orthodox and Catholic and half east-leaning, comprised primarily of Russian Orthodox Slavs - if not by actual faith then by heritage. The western half of the country identify more with Poles, Moldovans and Slovaks than with Russians.
More significantly, it should also be mentioned that Ukraine is also a nation that has had terrible troubles under Bolshevik rule: Many millions dead during the "Holodomor" famines of the early 1930s has left a terrible imprint on the minds of many Ukrainians. There was also of course the harsh treatment of western Ukrainians by Joseph Stalin's Moscow during and in the aftermath of the Second World War due to their collaborations with Nazi Germany.
I believe the Bolshevik/Stalinian stain on Russian-Ukrainian relations is the psychology behind what has been happening in Kiev recently.
The vivid memory of the horrors of Bolshevism has spawned the anti-Russian hate many Ukrainians feel these days. This is the demographics, in union with Westernized liberals, we are seeing protesting on the streets. I personally think Ukraine's West-leaning population's EU drive is rooted more in their hate for Russians than in their love for the EU. Unfortunately, within the mindsets of the Ukrainian sheeple today (as well as sheeple around the world), no differentiation is made between the Bolshevik regime and ethnic Russians.
Long after their demise, Bolsheviks are still tarnishing Russia's image and straining its relations with its neighbors. And as a consequence of nearly one hundred years of the Anglo-American-Zionist establishment's anti-Russian propaganda, for hundreds of millions of people around the world: Bolshevism and communism = Russian.
Therefore, for many Ukrainians, ethnic Russians (Orthodox Christian Slavs) are the enemy - never mind that Bolshevism was imported into Russia to destroy the Russian Empire, never mind that Russian Slavs suffered just as terribly under Bolshevik rule as Ukrainians.
Please revisit the following three blog commentaries about Bolshevism and Russia -
Stalin's Jews and the Bolshevik Revolution (July, 2010):
Assassination of Pyotr Stolypin (September, 2012):
Medvedev Condemns Stalin’s Russia, Russians may finally bury Lenin (May, 2011):
Once again, for it can't be stressed enough: Bolshevism was imported into Russian Empire to destroy it. Bolshevism was everything Russia was not. The horrors of Bolshevik reign during the 1920s and 1930s were unprecedented in the number of deaths it caused and the amount of wealth it stole. Bolsheviks remain by far the world's greatest criminals and murders. The only thing "Russian" about the Bolshevik movement in Russia was the language they spoke.
Once again, for it can't be stressed enough: Bolshevism was imported into Russian Empire to destroy it. Bolshevism was everything Russia was not. The horrors of Bolshevik reign during the 1920s and 1930s were unprecedented in the number of deaths it caused and the amount of wealth it stole. Bolsheviks remain by far the world's greatest criminals and murders. The only thing "Russian" about the Bolshevik movement in Russia was the language they spoke.
There is another very important historical nuance that escapes most people: If there was anything at all positive about the outcome of the Second World War, it was was seeing Bolshevism/Communism transform itself.
Allow me to explain what I mean.
It was only due to the patriotic fervor brought upon by the Great Patriotic War (and to a lesser extent, Stalin's political purges prior to the war) that the Soviet Union began taking on an ethnic Russian face. The Second World War caused the 'Russification' of Communism. In my opinion, the positive aspects of Communism many of us are familiar with today come from this period of Russification. Therefore, it could be argued that Nazism did actually defeat Bolshevism by indirectly helping Russians rise in its ranks and eventually take over control in the Kremlin.
Nevertheless, blaming "Russians" (Christian Slavs) for the unspeakable evils of Bolshevism is like blaming the hapless victim for the actions of the rabid criminal.
While the Russian nation is beginning to discuss this controversial topic publicly in recent years, it is very unfortunate that Russian officials have not made a direct, concerted effort in addressing the points I have raised here. I do not think that Russian officials yet understand that the stain of Bolshevism is still casting a very dark shadow over Russian state, and I do not think they appreciate the long term value of trying to finally distance themselves from Russia's Bolshevik past by revealing the truths behind Bolshevism.
Why is the Ukraine so important for the West?
Getting back to the battle for Ukraine: We also need to take into close consideration that Ukraine is a European country that physically shares a border with the European Union. Taking advantage of the aforementioned sociopolitical factors, Ukraine has been diligently worked on by a very wide array of Western led and funded operatives, political activists, rights advocates, independent journalists, feminist movements, gay movements, NGOs, etc, for two full decades.
Western powers are exploiting Kiev in their geostrategic drive to expand NATO into historically recognized Russian territories via their multinational theme-park known as the European Union.
Why is Ukraine so important?
Well, for anyone that has seen a map of the region where the country is located, it should be quite obvious. But, in any case, I''ll allow one of America's most influential foreign policymakers to tell us why:
"Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire, but with Ukraine suborned and then subordinated, Russia automatically becomes an empire. But if Russia becomes an empire, it cannot be a democracy at the same time. We might add that an imperial Russia will be forced to abandon economic reform in favor of central planning"
Zbigniew Brzezinski, in a 1993 Foreign Affairs articleYou see, it's all about Russia. As America's most infamous Polak candidly points out, Russia is enormously more powerful with the territory of Ukraine within its fold and considerably weakened without it. The Polak also goes on to suggest that the West is concerned about Moscow not following through at the time with its promised "economic reforms". Mind you that "economic reforms" is code name for turning one's economic and financial system under Anglo-American-Zionist control. And for much of the 1990s, the West had actually succeeded in subverting Russia's post-Soviet economy and financial institutions through forced reforms and Western backed Jewish-Russian oligarchs.
Simply put, Ukraine is a major geostrategic prize for the political West.
In other words, Western powers want to secure their Slavic buffer states (namely Poland and Ukraine) as a way of creating defensive depth against the Russian state, as well as a way of containing and/or weakening Moscow's authority west of the Urals.
Western powers have historically recognized the Russian state as their number one geopolitical competitor on the global stage.
With a resurgent Russia making a global comeback in recent years, there has therefore been an air of urgency in various power centers Western world. In a strong sense, this is a race against time for the Western establishment and this Western push into eastern Europe and Russia can be likened to a new "Operation Barbarossa", thus far without all the guns.
I can only hope that Moscow is getting ready a new Operation Bagration of its own.
Nevertheless, let's make no mistake about it, the situation in the Ukraine is very serious indeed. The country has been turned into a volatile powder keg. Although I'm glad that Kiev and Moscow have taken a step back in trying to defuse the situation, my main concern is that Western powers will continue fomenting large scale civil unrest within this deeply divided country. Needless to ay, this runs the risk of a bloody civil war, to which Moscow may respond to by militarily annexing the strategic Crimea (a contingency operation which Moscow is ready to carry-out at a moment's notice).
I personally want to see the Crimea going back to Russia but Moscow will make such a move only as a last resort, that is if Ukraine is on the verge of a major split.
Now that we have briefly taken a look at why Ukraine is important for Russia and the West, there is yet another question that needs to be answered: What is the West's problem with Russia? After all, the Soviet Union has been dead for well over twenty-years now. Why do Western policymakers continue conspiring against Russia?
What's Washington's problem with Moscow?
The United States of America and the Russian Empire had very good relations throughout much of the 19th century. The two powers in question complimented each other in the geopolitics of the time. Although American students are not thought this in their schools for obvious reasons, there were in fact times in the 19th century when Saint Petersburg and Washington were politically allied against British Empire. This close friendship between the US and Russia at the time was vividly reflected in the sale of Russian-Alaska to Americans.
In my opinion, this genuine Russo-American friendship effectively came to an end when the British Empire and the United States began merging (or as some Brits say, London handed its empire to Washington) beginning in the late 19th century. Thereafter, one of the Anglo-American establishment's perennial targets has been the Russian state. In fact, for much of the 20th century, the following slogan has more-or-less been the geostrategic motto of the Anglo-American-Zionist policymakers:
Keep America in, Russia out and Germany down. In other words, for the Western political/financial establishment, the US has been used as a bulldog for keeping in check Eurasia's two most powerful nations. When one gives this geostrategic formula some serious thought, everything that has taken place in the political world during the last century or so will begin making much better sense.
Nevertheless, by the 1950s and 1960s, when as noted above Communism had been thoroughly Russified, anti-Russian sentiments within political circles in the Western world had begun to grow to new heights. Then, the sudden disappearance of the Soviet Union some twenty years ago provided the West with a historic opportunity to become the world's premiere hyperpower. The political West quite suddenly came to the realization that it no long had a geopolitical rival in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Africa or South America.
This realization, that it is the top predator in a unipolar world, lies at the root causes of the wars we have witnessed in Iraq, Sudan, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, as well as the campaign against Iran and NATO's expansion eastward during the past twenty years.
Here we see one of the most important cogs in the US war machine candidly talking about Washington's agenda in a post-Soviet world:
"We are going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years. We are going to start with Iraq and then we are going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran... We learned that we can use our militaries in the region, in the Middle East, and the Soviets wont stop us... and we've got about five to ten years to clean up those old Soviet client regimes - Syria, Iran, Iraq - before the next great superpower comes on to challenge us"
Wesley Clark, in a speech given on October 3, 2007
Since the Soviet collapse, the Anglo-American-Zionist order has been busy seeking to preserve its place on top of the global food-chain. They simply do not want any new kids on the block to compete with their hegemony. As General Clark stated, its been a Western rush to hegemonize the world - "before the next great superpower comes to challenge us".
Perhaps this is why humanity is gradually coming to recognition that the US is the biggest threat to world peace -
Biggest Threat to World Peace: The United States:
http://rinf.com/alt-news/breaking-news/biggest-threat-to-world-peace-the-united-states/ Comfortably bloated with a century of excess, and sitting on the top of the world for the past twenty years, the prevailing Western controlled system-of-things in the world can only be maintained if the financial and political elite of the Western world manages to maintain its current status as the alpha and the omega of global affairs. Any lesser role for this power-crazed and gluttonous Western elite will ultimately cause its collapse, and Western leaders fully recognize this ominous fact facing their existence.
http://rinf.com/alt-news/breaking-news/biggest-threat-to-world-peace-the-united-states/ Comfortably bloated with a century of excess, and sitting on the top of the world for the past twenty years, the prevailing Western controlled system-of-things in the world can only be maintained if the financial and political elite of the Western world manages to maintain its current status as the alpha and the omega of global affairs. Any lesser role for this power-crazed and gluttonous Western elite will ultimately cause its collapse, and Western leaders fully recognize this ominous fact facing their existence.
Being that Russia and China pose the only long-term global threats for them, it is rather easy to see that their two main targets have been Moscow and Beijing. But because Beijing has been stuck in a symbiotic economic relationship with Washington (which may in fact explain why Washington has encouraged American businesses to open shop in China during the past forty years), the West has been placing most of its emphasis on undermining the Russian state instead.
Sometime during the 1990s, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is believed to have stated that the natural wealth found in the vastness of the Russian Federation was too much for one country to posses. The implications of her words were quite obvious, especially for Russians -
Putin warns of outside forces that wish to split Russia and take over its natural resources (2007):http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2009/02/putin-warns-of-outside-forces-that-wish.html
Putin's Russia has been a target for the West essentially because Moscow, a massive nuclear power, stubbornly maintains its political, economic and financial independence and it controls virtually unlimited supplies of natural resources. Moreover, Russia, a Eurasian power stretching from Europe to the Far-East, is also in an ideal position to control global commerce and impact the political affairs of Europe, Middle East and Asia. Simply put, Russia poses a long-term threat to Western global hegemony.
Putin's Russia has been a target for the West essentially because Moscow, a massive nuclear power, stubbornly maintains its political, economic and financial independence and it controls virtually unlimited supplies of natural resources. Moreover, Russia, a Eurasian power stretching from Europe to the Far-East, is also in an ideal position to control global commerce and impact the political affairs of Europe, Middle East and Asia. Simply put, Russia poses a long-term threat to Western global hegemony.
To the dismay of Western officials, the Russian state today may be the only truly independent political entity on earth. All this explains why Western leaders were expecting Russia to "reform" its economy and why they have been diligently trying to import "Democracy" into the multiethnic country. For Western policymakers, Russia must be contained and/or isolated at all costs. And they have been diligently working on this agenda by funding subversive groups throughout Russia's very diverse society, as well as surrounding Russia with West-leaning buffer states and military installations. In other words, yes, Washington's missile defense shield is actually aimed against Russia -
U.S. missile defense in Europe 'real threat' to Russia (June, 2011):
http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2011/06/us-missile-defense-in-europe-real.htmlWhile many in the world today are conditioned to believe that the West is on a noble campaign to curb international terrorism and bring "freedom and democracy" (and of course gay-rights) to the darkest corners of the world, senior officials in the Kremlinrealize that the ultimate intention of the Western alliance is to contain Russia as ageostrategic measure to ensure that no regional power rises to compete with Western hegemony.
http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2011/06/us-missile-defense-in-europe-real.htmlWhile many in the world today are conditioned to believe that the West is on a noble campaign to curb international terrorism and bring "freedom and democracy" (and of course gay-rights) to the darkest corners of the world, senior officials in the Kremlinrealize that the ultimate intention of the Western alliance is to contain Russia as ageostrategic measure to ensure that no regional power rises to compete with Western hegemony.
Moscow fully realizes that the "Great Game" to undermine its power is well underway. Moscow also realizes that the Russian state will remain the number one target of the Western alliance for the foreseeable future. But breaking apart Russia, which is in fact what strategic planners in the West would have liked to do, will be virtually impossible now that a post-1990s era Russia has gotten off its knees and its projecting its power well beyond its borders.
As we saw in Georgia in 2008 and more recently in Syria, the Russian state has valiantly taken its fight to the West by drawing red lines in places where Moscow considers areas of strategic interests. Moscow has definitely stepped into a world leadership role -
Russia Steps Into World Leadership Role (September, 2013 ):
http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/09/russia-steps-into-world-leadership-role.htmlIt is encouraging to know that after suffering setback after setback, Moscow has managed to rebound in recent years and has been able to draw a red line in the south Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and now in the Ukraine. The Russian state is on the rise, and barring any unforeseen catastrophic events like a major meteor strike on Moscow, the Russian state will be one of the premiere powers of the world in the 21st century.
http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/09/russia-steps-into-world-leadership-role.htmlIt is encouraging to know that after suffering setback after setback, Moscow has managed to rebound in recent years and has been able to draw a red line in the south Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and now in the Ukraine. The Russian state is on the rise, and barring any unforeseen catastrophic events like a major meteor strike on Moscow, the Russian state will be one of the premiere powers of the world in the 21st century.
But we can't be complacent because the Great Game is not yet over.
Western puppeteers continue to have the advantage, for they continue enjoying the faithful services of sheeple in various targeted nations across the world. The Western propaganda machine - multipronged, fine tuned and highly sophisticated with a century of experience behind it - is still the number one Social Engineering force in the world. Therefore, the material lure of the Western world and the popular hype associated with Western "values" will not be easy to fight let alone destroy. Under the banners of "democracy", "freedom", "human rights", "nature protection" and "civil society", there are hordes of neo-Bolshevik armies invading and undermining targeted nations around the world today.
Democracy is not a panacea
Prosperity, political stability and Democracy are not interrelated: Never has been, never will be. Democracy may in fact be the worst form of government in existence today. It's actually disturbing how some well-meaning idiots these days talk about “Democracy” as if it’s a drug: Just take it and you’ll be fine, we are told. Well, come to think of it, it is a drug. But the problem is that it is a very toxic drug, one that has hallucinatory and at times deadly side effects.
The kind of Democracy being promoted by Western powers around the world in recent decades - with its system of beliefs known as Free Trade, Westernization or Globalism - are for the Western world today what religion used to be for European powers during the past one thousand years, and what Roman civilization and Hellenism was in the preceding centuries: A means of manipulation, control, subjugation, exploitation and when needed, destruction. In fact, knowing how destructive Democracy can be for developing nations is exactly why Western powers have been prescribing it to developing nations. Reminder: They do not want competition!
Ask yourselves, what has Western Democracy brought to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Syria in recent years? The answer is, utter chaos and destruction! What has Western Democracy brought to Europe? The answer is economic instability, decadence, the lose of identity and the very decline of western and European civilization! And India, touted as the "largest Democracy" on earth, is a cesspool of corruption and despair.
What about Democracy in Western nations?
The political West (those who do most of the Democracy drug peddling around the world, as well as conventional narcotics peddling but that's another story for another time) is actually very far from being an actual Democracy. Therefore, the West is not what it preaches to be. Western official know better than allowing their masses any say in politics. Western nations are ruled by an elite-based political/financial system where top level military leaders, government officials and financial executives make major decisions independent of their "voters" wishes. More on "Democracy" in the US -
The two ring circus called the American presidential elections (January 2013):
http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-two-ring-circus-called-american.html Western nations, as well as every single prosperous nation in existence today, got to the height they are today through authoritarian rule. Western powers, in particular, also got to where they are today through institutionalized corruption, genocide, slavery, exploitation and global wars for power and plunder. How did the "people" live in the elite-based political systems in the US or Britain in the 19th century? There are quite a few literary works about the unspeakable plight of the masses in both countries at the time. The point I am trying to make is that it was only after their militaristic rise to the top of the world in the second half of the 20th century that the Western elite began giving a little back to the people to keep them complacent. It is only after their rise, however, that they could afford to play with limited forms of Democracy. But corruption has never left Western nations. In fact, Western powers, US and Britain in particular, are amongst the world's most corrupt regimes but the Social Engineered sheeple do not notice it because much of the corruption in question is institutionalized.
http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-two-ring-circus-called-american.html Western nations, as well as every single prosperous nation in existence today, got to the height they are today through authoritarian rule. Western powers, in particular, also got to where they are today through institutionalized corruption, genocide, slavery, exploitation and global wars for power and plunder. How did the "people" live in the elite-based political systems in the US or Britain in the 19th century? There are quite a few literary works about the unspeakable plight of the masses in both countries at the time. The point I am trying to make is that it was only after their militaristic rise to the top of the world in the second half of the 20th century that the Western elite began giving a little back to the people to keep them complacent. It is only after their rise, however, that they could afford to play with limited forms of Democracy. But corruption has never left Western nations. In fact, Western powers, US and Britain in particular, are amongst the world's most corrupt regimes but the Social Engineered sheeple do not notice it because much of the corruption in question is institutionalized.
In other words, in stark contrast with the rest of the world, corruption in the West is strictly reserved for their political and financial elite.
Despite their touting, "Democracy" or "freedom" has never had much to do with the Western world's rise to global power and prosperity.
The US was an experiment that worked well primarily because of the following factors: Aggressive, libertarian minded, well organized and very resourceful European settlers (mostly of Germanic decent) found a land that was massive, naturally wealthy, protected by oceans and free for the taking. These settlers then managed to reach economic prosperity through an elite-based system that carried out genocide, slavery, exploitation and wars for plunder and influence around the world.
The US was founded by a very intelligent group of people who saw themselves as part of an elitist system. The US today continues to be an elite-based political/financial system. The US has historically been a nation where the top one percent (historically made up of the nation's WASP caste) has thoroughly dominated the rest of the 99%. However, the American citizenry, the 99%, has been better managed in recent decades through the provision of bare-essentials (i.e. low paying jobs and government assistance), entertainment (i.e. proliferation of television programing, celebrity worship, cinema and sports) and mind control methods in the form of information control through the controlled mainstream news press and school curriculum.
Before the leadership of a developing countries are capable of allowing their citizenry to safely participate in the nation's political processes, political system in the country first needs to develop well established national institutions and only a tidy number of domestically funded political parties that are subservient to them. Before a government can allow its people a limited say in political matters, it also needs a well conditioned citizenry.
Therefore, Democracy is not a panacea: It is a dangerous drug. A nation cannot risk playing with Democracy when the nation is culturally not ready and politically immature. A nation cannot risk playing with Democracy when it does not have a democratic tradition or lacks powerful national institutions. A nation cannot risk playing with Democracy when it is still developing. As mentioned above, powerful national institutions overseeing and sometimes directly guiding the so-called "democratic process" in a political system is exactly how the Western world is currently run. Developing nations in the post-Soviet space are in no shape to risk playing with such a drug.
In their transitional phase, developing nations need authoritarian leaders and patient and patriotic populations. For example: Russia and China - one a multi-party top heavy government, the other a one party authoritarian government - have some of the fastest growing middle class and national GDP in the world. Until post-Soviet nations like Armenia or Ukraine mature as nation-states, such nations also need top heavy, authoritarian governments with patriotic men in power. In the meanwhile, may God help protect nations from Democracy and all it's street peddlers.
Once more, in the Western world, the practice of Democracy is tightly controlled by its deeply entrenched elite. The so-called Democratic processes in places like the United States or United Kingdom will never be allowed to get outside their clearly defined parameters. We cannot make the mistake of associating Democracy with Western power or wealth.
The global menace
Very similar to what the Vatican had done for centuries with Catholicism, the Western alliance today is using a new form of global religion known as "Democracy" and/or "Globalism" to either make or break nations around the world. Similar to Christian emperors of the past, "democratic" emperors of today are deciding who lives and who dies. As in medieval times, false notions are being spread within human society in order to better manage it... or to simply exploit it.
Similar to what imperial powers did in the past with religion, the very notion of Democracy and human-rights today have been weaponized by Washington.
As a matter of fact, everything today is becoming weaponized by Washington. Money is weaponized. Religion and religious cults are weaponized. Energy is weaponized. Food is weaponized. Atheism is weaponized. Scientific research is weaponized. Gay rights is weaponized. Feminism is weaponized. The news is weaponized. Entertainment is weaponized. Humanitarian aid is weaponized. The English language is weaponized. Globalism is weaponized. Fighting corruption is weaponized. Anything and everything that can in anyway be used against a targeted nation for a political and/or economic purpose is systematically becoming weaponized by Washington.
Which brings me to the now oft asked question: How has the political West become so powerful?
In the big picture, we the sheeple are at fault!
Simply put: If we desperately want to learn their language; if we want to sing their songs; if we want to dance to their music; if we want to watch their films; if we want to dress like them; if we want to eat like them; if we want to trade in their currency; if we seek to get our information from their sources; if we dream of living in their countries; if we dream of attending their universities; if we dream of working for their institutions; if we enthusiastically want to emulate their political system... then how can we ever think of them as the enemy?!
Here is a related blog commentary -
How the West prepares operatives (January, 2012):
http://theriseofrussia.blogspot.com/2012/01/how-west-prepares-operatives-january.html Thus, their hold over humanity is essentially a psychological one. Our willing, often subconscious submission to anything and everything Western today (Anglo-American in particular) is exactly how they are easily succeeding in invading and subverting targeted nations around the world.
For instance, when a Western official visits a developing nation and the natives there fall allover themselves to impress the visiting guest, the Western operation in that nation is already mostly a success. When the Whore of Babylon recently visited Yerevan, she did not need to speak a single word in Armenian, she did not feel the need to ask her friends in Baku to stop killing Armenian soldiers on the border, she did not feel the need to pay her respects at the genocide memorial, she did not feel the need to do or say anything positive or constructive about Armenia... She simply handed out medals to her many active mercenaries in the country. Despite her unholiness's overt and often blatant anti-Armenianism, Armenians bent-over-backwards to kiss her filthy behind -
Whore of Babylon in Yerevan (June, 2012):
This type of subservience to Western officials is essentially why the political West is so powerful today. And this is why the political West has become a serious global menace.
As I have reiterated in numerous previous occasions, the West has carefully crafted for itself unprecedented control over humanity as a result of the two world wars in the first half of the 20th century and as a result of the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. For the past seventy years, Western officials have been busy creating levers to monopolize the global economy and the distribution of global commodities; impose their financial system on the global community; impose their trade currency; impose their laws; and, more importantly, control what the global masses sees, reads and hears through music, films and propaganda outlets disguised as news organizations.
The unexpected dissolution of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s served to propel Western power and influence to heights never before seen in world history. Consequently, for the past twenty years the Western world has enjoyed an unprecedented financial, economic, cultural andpsychological hold over humanity. With the imposition of their English-language driven new religion known as Globalism the civilized world, European/Christian civilization in particular, is being systematically broken apart. The imposition of Globalism upon humanity is destroying the traditional family unit; marginalizing patriotism; weakening ethnic and racial identity; undermining apostolic Christianity; and eroding the very foundations of the traditional nation-state.
Without God (i.e without religion and moral guidance); without country (i.e. without nationalism and/or ethnic/racial identity); and without family (i.e. without having an extended genetic support structure to which one belongs to) - man is nothing but a instinct driven animal easily manipulated by those controlling the global levers.
Thus, Globalization or Westernization is the tool with which the political West conditions and manages the global sheeple and attempts to lead them towards enslavement. A "global citizen", a very Bolshevik-like title today's world's so-called "progressive" sheeple take pride in being is nothing but a thoroughly enslaved animal at the mercy of the Globalist (i.e. Western) elite.
Ideal Illusions
Regardless of how beneficial or even necessary they may seem at first glance, any movement that has any form of Western-backing or is spearheaded by Western-led or inspired activists need to be categorically rejected by all of humanity. For years, I have been sounding the alarm that imperial interests in Washington have co-opted andweaponized sociopolitical issues and are currently exploiting them towards self-serving political gains.
For years, I have been warning my audience that accepting help, in any form, from the political West comes with dangerous strings attached, conditions that developing nations such as Armenia or the Ukraine cannot meet. I ask you to refer to a book by James Peck regarding this very important topic for our era -
Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights

"Devastating and deeply disturbing, this book lays bare any lingering illusions that human rights concerns seriously influence U.S. policy."—Andrew J. Bacevich, author of Washington Rules
The United States has long been hailed as a powerful force for global human rights. Now, drawing on thousands of documents from the CIA, the National Security Council, the Pentagon, and development agencies, James Peck shows in blunt detail how Washington has shaped human rights into a potent ideological weapon for purposes having little to do with rights—and everything to do with furthering America's global reach. Using the words of Washington's leaders when they are speaking among themselves, Peck tracks the rise of human rights from its dismissal in the cold war years as "fuzzy minded" to its calculated adoption, after the Vietnam War, as a rationale for American foreign engagement. He considers such milestones as the fight for Soviet dissidents, Tiananmen Square, and today's war on terror, exposing in the process how the human rights movement has too often failed to challenge Washington's strategies. A gripping and elegant work of analysis, Ideal Illusions argues that the movement must break free from Washington if it is to develop a truly uncompromising critique of power in all its forms.
Yes, many of the world's Hollywood-struck sheeple these days are indeed suffering from ideal illusions. These sheeple are the cannon-fodder Washington exploits against developing nations that not in their pockets or under their boots. Now, to place the enlightening book featured above into a better, more complete perspective, juxtaposed its message with the following book titled "From Dictatorship to Democracy". Unlike the previous book's author, this particular book was written by an American with a Western/Globalist political agenda. Unlike the previous book's intent, this work by Gene Sharp is essentially meant to be a step-by-step blueprint for revolution and its primary target (i.e. those it is trying to bait) are the large numbers of freaks and self-destructive peasantry in all developing nations around the world these days -
From Dictatorship to Democracy

From Dictatorship to Democracy was a pamphlet, printed and distributed by Dr Gene Sharp and based on his study, over a period of forty years, on non-violent methods of demonstration. Now in its fourth edition, it was originally handed out by the Albert Einstein Institution, and although never actively promoted, to date it has been translated into thirty-one languages. This astonishing book travelled as a photocopied pamphlet from Burma to Indonesia, Serbia and most recently Egypt, Tunisia and Syria, with dissent in China also reported. Surreptitiously handed out amongst youth uprisings the world over - how the 'how-to' guide came about and its role in the recent Arab uprisings is an extraordinary tale. Once read you'll find yourself urging others to read it and indeed want to gift it.
Book: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_6?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=from+dictatorship+to+democracy&sprefix=from+d%2Cstripbooks%2C262When Western financed civic organizations gather their diverse operatives to form networks and workshops and make global connections during their annual conventions, these are the types of publications they disseminate and this is the kind of inspiration at work behind their actions.
We must for once recognize that virtually every single societal matter found around the world today - be it Islamic militancy or gay rights or planned parenthood or nature protection - is ultimately being financed, controlled and/or exploited by Western imperial interests.
As the first book by James Peck courageously suggests: Sociopolitical movements of the world today must first break free of Western control if they are to be safely embraced by developing societies.
Exploiting the underfed, underemployed and undereducated
The world revered "pop culture" produced by the special-interests backed Jewishsaturated entertainment industry of the United States and Britain for the latter half of the past century is fundamentally based on three principals: materialism, sex and violence.
Not surprisingly, these are the three basic elements that appeal to the lowest aspect of human nature. Look at any pro-West activist anywhere in the world today and you will see either a freak, an idiot or an animal.
Anglo-American pop culture appeals to the primordial/animalistic side of human nature. Moreover, because it naturally lacks intellect, spirituality, sophistication or cultural refinement, Western pop culture is rather easily disseminated within the masses via its globalized language, music, literature, fashion, motion pictures, television programing and radio talk shows. Be it violence and debauchery we are constantly exposed to by Hollywood films, American "gangsta rap" music youth around the world listens to today or the excessively bloody electronic simulation games that tens-of-millions of children play today - materialism, killing and sex is a major theme in Western pop culture.
One of the secrets of Western style democracy is this: Western officials realize that by utilizing the powerful levers (i.e. political operatives, finance, trade, social media, news press, international organizations and pop culture) they have cultivated and refined for many decades, they can impose their cultural "values" and sociopolitical agendas throughout the world.
Using such levers under their control, they have managed to harness the world's surplus of idiots, deviants and freaks and are currently manipulating them towards grand geostrategic pursuits.They know that dealing directly with a targeted nation's sheeple can be much more effective than dealing with the same nation's uncooperative leadership or its intelligentsia. Therefore, Western style democracy is also a clever method of by-passing a nation's leadership and dealing directly with the nation's self-destructive masses.
Using powerful levers they can rally "freedom loving" peasantry around the world. And as we have been seeing for quite a few years now, post Soviet nations unfortunately have more than the normal share of politically ignorant peasantry for the West to manipulate and exploit.
When we put all the global unrest taking place in the world today under a microscope, we will find Washington and friends pulling the strings of most of them. With a full array of powerful levers at their disposal the political West manages the world's control board. The sheeple around the world may be rebelling and protesting for very legitimate reasons, but their sheppards are in one way or another carrying out orders of the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance -
Revolution Engineering: US know-how and 'colourful' technology
CIA on Facebook and Twitter: Wayne Madsen on info warfare:
NGOs, an extension of US foreign policy:
Internet nuke bomb waiting to go off:
Assange: Facebook, Google, Yahoo spying tools for US intelligence:
CFR Meeting: Zbigniew Brzezinski Speech (2010):
Washington on the War Path: CivilSociety as Battering-Ram:
http://rt.com/politics/washington-war-russia-putin-023/ Washingtonian officials have been for many years exploiting the underfed, underemployed and undereducated sheeple of the world, all the while totally disregarding the same right under their noses in the US.
http://rt.com/politics/washington-war-russia-putin-023/ Washingtonian officials have been for many years exploiting the underfed, underemployed and undereducated sheeple of the world, all the while totally disregarding the same right under their noses in the US.
What's clear is that we are truly living in very troubling times. This is one of the pivotal points in human history. How humanity will come out of this period is anyone's guess. Never before had the world's population been this large. Never before had food and energy production been this strained. Never before had so many regions of the world been simultaneously this explosive - militarily, politically and economically. Never before had a single political force held this much global power and influence. ...are remarkable comments made by Zbigniew Brzezinski:
The Global Political Awakening
For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive... The resulting global political activism is generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or imperial domination... The worldwide yearning for human dignity is the central challenge inherent in the phenomenon of global political awakening... That awakening is socially massive and politically radicalizing... The nearly universal access to radio, television and increasingly the Internet is creating a community of shared perceptionsand envy that can be galvanized and channeled by demagogic political or religious passions. These energies transcend sovereign borders and pose a challenge both to existing states as well as to the existing global hierarchy, on top of which America still perches... The youth of the Third World are particularly restless and resentful. The demographic revolution they embody is thus a political time-bomb, as well...
Their potential revolutionary spearhead is likely to emerge from among the scores of millions of students concentrated in the often intellectually dubious "tertiary level" educational institutions of developing countries.Depending on the definition of the tertiary educational level, there are currently worldwide between 80 and 130 million "college" students. Typically originating from the socially insecure lower middle class and inflamed by a sense of social outrage, these millions of students are revolutionaries-in-waiting, already semi-mobilized in large congregations, connected by the Internet and pre-positioned for a replay on a larger scale of what transpired years earlier in Mexico City or in Tiananmen Square. Their physical energy and emotional frustration is just waiting to be triggered by a cause, or a faith, or a hatred...
[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people.
Zbigniew Brzezinski - Former U.S. National Security Advisor; Member of Council on Foreign Relations; Co-Founder of the Trilateral Commission Member, Board of Trustees; Center for Strategic and International Studies There you have it, folks. Right from the source. But is anybody listening? A better question would be, does anybody care or understand? Looking at the undereducated, underfed and underemployed masses around the world, Brzezinski said -
"[the sheeple's] physical energy and emotional frustration is just waiting to be triggered by a cause, or a faith, or a hatred".
This brings to mind Rohm Emanuel's well known adage: Never let a crisis go to waste.
In other words, using your global levers, always be ready to either incite unrest when need be or simply exploit unrest that may spontaneously arise. This formula naturally applies to political unrest as well as economic unrest. And remember all this when watching unrest - political and/or economic - in places such as Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Venezuela...
It's also interesting to note here that Western officials like Brzezinski look at their "activists" around the world as coming from "often intellectually dubious tertiary level educational institutions of developing countries". In other words, the army of Ukrainian or Armenian "rights advocates", "political activists" and "independent journalists" that are enthusiastically serving Western powers for truth justice and the American way (as well as of course a few US Dollars via Western grants) and they are looked at by their Western puppet-masters as nothing more than cannon-fodder... or primitive natives.
As long as we continue looking up to the Western world and adoringly adopt their cultural elements, we will continue remaining at their mercy. As I have pointed out earlier in this commentary, it is precisely our political ignorance and our personal preferences that has turned the political West into the monster that it is today.
Humanity will only cure itself of Globalism when evil vermin from Washington and London are barred from entering civilized nations around the world. Humanity will only cure itself when the global commodities exchange is taken away from Anglo-American-Jewish control. Humanity will only begin curing itself when financial levers are taken away from Western control. Humanity will only begin curing itself when the sheeple of this world strives to learn languages other than English.Humanity will only cure itself when Anglo-American "pop culture" finally gets recognized for what it actually is: primitive, animalistic, subversive and dangerous to the health and well being of human society.
Heralding the rise of conservative Russia
Political pundits in the Western world are increasingly ming to the realization that the Russia state is fast becoming a bastion of traditional conservatism and Christianity. And if we are to believe the words of a former high ranking US State Department official Paul Goble (the mastermind of the infamous "Goble" plan) Moscow may have even started financing such movements in Europe. It is interesting that all of a sudden, a significant portion of American society, tens-of-millions of Americans who call themselves Christian conservatives, are finding more in common with their Cold War enemy than with their own government -
Pat Buchanan: Putin’s Paleoconservative Moment:
Radio Liberty: Vladimir Ilyich Putin, Conservative Icon:
Paul Goble: Kremlin Expands and Exploits Its Ties with [conservaitve/traditionalist groups] in Europe
Russia desperately needed a calling in recent times. I am glad it has come to be associated with one. I am even happier that the Russian state has come to be associated with upholding the values of Christianity, nationalism and conservatism - traditional values that have been in decline in the Anglo-American-Zionist era.
A prerequisite for any aspiring global power is to espouse a sociopolitical ideology or formulate a galvanizing belief system. Needless to say, the Soviet Union had such an ideology (perhaps too much of it) but it collapsed. With the disappearance of the Soviet Union, so too disappeared the time period's ideological and sociopolitical counterbalance to the Western world. As a consequence to the Soviet Union's sudden disappearance some twenty years ago, human society began getting assaulted by a Western ideological movement that in recent years has come to be known as Globalism.
While the proliferators of Globalization paint their Western belief system in the softest of colors and want us to unquestionably accept it as a modern reality, we need to recognize it for what it really is. Westernization or Globalism is the promotion of: Afro-American pop culture, Anglo-American hero worship, English language, US Dollar, crony capitalism, corporatism, consumerism, individualism, materialism, atheism, holocaust worship, third world immigration, democracy, liberalism, homosexuality, militant feminism, interracialism and multiculturalism.
Let's also recognize that Westernization/Globalism has four enemies: Conservatism, nationalism, the traditional family and Christianity. In other words, God, country and family.
Against this global menace, human society needed an ideological counterbalance. The Russian state has risen to the occasion, and not a moment too soon.
Sometime during the 1990s, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is believed to have said that the natural wealth found in the vastness of the Russian Federation was too much for one country to posses. It is very obvious that the West would have loved to have indefinitely lived-off the carcass of the Soviet Union, and they managed to do just that during the 1990s when Yeltsin the drunk and the Jewish oligarchs were in power -
Corruption, crony capitalism, and Russia's near-demise (2007):
But President Vladimir Putin's rise to power in 2000 put an abrupt end to their plans. Within a few short years Russia was turned from what was in essence a failed state into a great world power once again.
But President Vladimir Putin's rise to power in 2000 put an abrupt end to their plans. Within a few short years Russia was turned from what was in essence a failed state into a great world power once again.
The Bear's return to the global scene has been nothing less than astounding.
In a few short years, Moscow was able to: nationalized virtually all of Russia's national assets, including its vast natural wealth; chase out all of Russia's problematic Western/Israel backed oligarchs; begin shutting down many of the nation's meddling Western NGOs and propaganda outlets; reverse the nation's population shrinkage; create a growing and vibrant middle class; defeat the Western/Turkish/Saudi Arabian backed Islamic insurgency in northern Caucasus; monopolize the distribution of Central Asian gas and oil; secure Europe's and China's energy needs; win the allegiance of Central Asian republics; evict US forces from former Soviet territory in Central Asia; develop unprecedentedly close relations with China; stop military aggression against Syria; support Iran's nuclear development program; stop Washington's missile defense shield deployment; stop NATO's advances in Eastern Europe; end Western, Turkish and Israeli military presence in Georgia; liberate Abkhazia and South Ossetia; place Russia-friendly leaders in Georgia; keep Turkey and Azerbaijan out of Armenia; end Ankara's pan-Turkic dreams in the Caucasus and Central Asia; place a Russia-friendly government in Ukraine; ensure Armenia's long term allegiance; and lure Armenia into the Customs Union. And just recently, Moscow has managed to put Kiev on the path to joining the Customs Union as well. The grossmeister in the Kremlin has played his chess pieces brilliantly well on the Eurasian chessboard and nations such as Armenia, Syria and Iran are reaping great benefits as a result.
The Russian Bear is back on the global stage as a major competitor to the political West and a champion of traditional ideals and Christianity. I dare any rational person to imagine the political plight of the world today had Russia not risen from its ashes. I dare any Armenian patriot to imagine where Armenia would have been today had Russia not had boots on the ground in Armenia.
With the fall of Byzantium in 1453 the Russian nation began playing a major political, cultural and spiritual role in human society. For centuries, the Russian Empire was widely recognized as the Third Rome. For centuries, the Russian Empire was a bastion of Christian civilization. For centuries, the Russian Empire was the scourge of Turks and Muslims throughout Eurasia. After a Godless interval and an ensuing spiritual decay that lasted some seventy years, Christian Russia is making a historic comeback, and it stands poised today to be the last front against Anglo-American imperialism, Globalism, Islamic extremism, Zionism and pan-Turkism.
December, 2013
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